BirthDay D Day

Publié le par Charles

Hihi dears:

I guess i might tell a little bit about my week end, although nothing serious dd really happened :D

Well going on Seoul the Friday night (lately for once) i arrive around 12h in 잠실 the place where my Girlfriend lives and there  i received a surprise: An amazing chocolate cake home made one with krispy kream doughnuts and a fine bottle of white wine, malzeltoff!!

My birthday present was a necktie, which was perfect since i never really had brand new necktie and i know that i am not able to chose them anyway. That is wonderfully thought from my miss i need it. As she said: "i am preparing you for the business life", yes i am!!!

Should i tell you that on Saturday night i drunk a lot with my love ( after visiting the Black Angus, a famous family restaurant, but you could find only one in Korea) and the rest is just like music, love and alcohol! But the problem was that when you drink a lot sleep at 2 or 3 am it's kind of tricky for the day after. I mean i had to pass an English test (yes anther one, and no i don't like to pass tests).
So during the test i was drunk, tired and actually i found the test center by chance because the taxi drove me in the wrong place ^^, well it saw not very serious from my side. The second problem of this test was that all explanations were in Korean with the answer sheet in Korea, which made me laugh during the whole exam just because i could not really figure out what the girl in said through the speaker phone.

Back to daejeon, i had to take my first class (still tired ^^) and by the night i met my two roommates who wanted to party with me. Mister Fred gave me a Bacardi bottle (75.5% of alcohol)  then i wasn't sure if it was for drinking or antiseptic my stomach! Plus a marvelous poster of one of my favorite Korean singer 이효리 (lee Hyolee) i'll provide a picture later :D
We drunk all night long starting by beer and finishing by bamboo alcohol + food. That was really nice!

So to sum up i got enough party for this month, well saying that i say nothing, i am sure that mars will be the party month who said no?


PS: i changed my glasses style, wow really refreshing ... too may people used to call me Harry potter!

Publié dans kskusanagi

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