Ou est charly

Publié le par Charles


   I am sinking somewhere over the rainbow... seriously how are you doing guys? If there are still some people reading this blog.
    Ok let's say that i am super over busy, i apologize again for that it's kind of independent of my will (but i am willing to be that busy to succeed anyway).

    Just to say that the proejct of the new website is going well i think i will be able to do somethign quite interesting (whenever i have time to finish it). I expect myself to finish this project after i come back from my trip to REUNION (which will be in december).

    For now, i wish i had a forum so that the discussion would be more interacting, but what about you guys and the winter? (it is still something new for me ^^).

a picture of a ~80 floor building in shanghai (taken by a friend of mine). I hear that shanghai is becoming a city with more and more huge structures like these.. impressing.


Publié dans kskusanagi

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Hey Twin,I understand that you're busy right now, I am too, I guess it is a full time or research in this time of the year....you know, summer is more relaxed, but when it ends, you realize that you have to seriously get back to work !http://www.phdcomics.com/comics/archive.php?comicid=756As you ask, I'm doing fine, and I'm planning to work from Montreal during 10 days very soon (this month). The temperatures have lowed from 18 to 3 °C in juste one day, it was quite amazing, but I hope that we will have snow in the moutains soon ! Ths year is my snowboard learning season ! I cant wait to see your website, december is too late ^^ ! Kidding, but if you need any help towork on some details, ask me. Keep on the good lab work and the music, I want some new stuff to hear from you guys ! Go Bobby Grovy !