Move on

Publié le par Charles

Hihi dears:

      I am sure that all of you guys are aware that from a succes you should carry on climbing the mountain of noew opportunities, but i decided to go on vacation in hawai for few years. You know just to rest forget about this tumultuous life without real perspective, indeed i need to darken my skin i am getting too white damn!!!!

     Alright i am not going on vacation but i'd like to!! Instead i am trapped in my thesis preparation and that sucks a lot because i really need some rest nowadays!

    No real breaking news, but if i start to think yes there might be some...

    If your memory isn't softer than a melt marshmalow i am sure you would remember abotu me saying "we made a studio recording (a real one) of our song for this festival!!". i actually received the compilation cd and i will rip it and make it available to you my dear. Videos are also available so i will provide a selection of my favorite (at least of the 2 bands who were better than us for this competition) and paff on the blog.

   But be aware this blog is going to change more than you think. I will rethink the design as soon as i finish my thesis defence so beware of the sleeping blog! in the meantime, take care i'll be back very soon!


Publié dans kskusanagi

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yeah fighting et puis la je suis completement bourre de hier soir alors c cho mais ou je vais tout poster bientot surement ce week end je dois preparer un mini concert pour vendredi.J'ai recemment engage a bodyguard donc aucune horde de fan ne me detiendra si toute fois je ne reapparais pas pendant plus d'une semaine ce sera a cause d emon advisor ce salop!!!
Good luck for all these stuff !
My little Twinny,I'm happy to hear from you, I was beginning to worry ! I was wondering wether you were kept captured by hords of fans, or by your thesis advisor, I couldn't decide. Obviously, I'm looking forward to hearing and seeing all the festival stuff ! Come on post more ! Death to the sleeping blog ! ;-)I whish you all the luck for your thesis defence, but I don't worry too much, as far as I know, you did a great job for your master ^^ go go go Twin !(and think about resting yourself come I sound like your mother??? lol)