Midnight thoughts: taste rum

Publié le par Charles

Hi hi

     I must have to wait till 3h25 am to feel inspiration coming, heads up!!! Man you know what i am talking about. Before expressing your thought on any media, there must be a feeling like you could be talking to someone. This person would be yourself but the difference is: at that time you actually listen to what you say!!

      I am also realizing that there are some people i love, and those people i love do know me. They could all have a version of this knowledge which make me think i am not as special or mysterious than i though i am but also that they will never bring this whole knowledge all together only after i am dead!! Don't misunderstand i am far from wishing that moment!!

      For example my lovely GF. She knew from the second i told her i was watching ElizabethTown for the second time, she knew that my mood wasn't at the top of happiness. I mean yes i felt nostalgia, but i am still wondering of what.

      Having a couple of alcohol on my night desk (sorry no books), i picked up the home made rum brought from reunion to France and France to Korea. Taste litchi, vanilla and sugar cane, at that moment the 49 degree liquor just invade my brain of a "dam i miss those things from the past".
       I though that i also so miss so many moments i had, good moments with great people, at a naive time of my life (naive compared to now where i am obviously thinking too much).

      By the way i get back to my drama: Veronica Mars. Try it out guys it's just delightful. Big kisses from a lost islander craving for life at the edge of his Korea bed!


Publié dans kskusanagi

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Charles mon ami, au hasard de ma navigation, je t'ai enfin retrouvé ! ^^ Je n'ai pas fait que lire les grandes lignes de ton blog (en anglais attention), très intéressant. Je ne savais même pas que tu étais en Corée.Bonne continuation.
yeah j'attends avec impatience le résultat. Groove baby ^^
Merci ma Twin en tout cas,ils vont passer a la trappe ceux la... je veux que de l'authentique du vrai du fort de la vie de l'amour et de la musique yeah yeah!!!<br /> Je suis sur le i qm in te middle of something!! ca swing cette bombe!!!
roo c'est quoi ces pubs dans les commentaires. Ca sent le spam à plein nez !T'inquiète Twin, je suis là pour te poster des comm authentiques (twin power ^^)