Live's so weak

Publié le par Charles

HiHi dears:

      Coming back from my daily hell, i decided to post something, showing up my face and cheering up a little bit.

      No depression for me, i am still strong enough for this. I have to admit that my lab life often comes with exasperation these days but i figure out that i should get used to it as fast as possible. I am running on Ph.D, which means i could reach a rank of doctor after several years of hard labour and efforts.

      I got to say that my mood isn't still great, for couple of reasons and essentially health of my family. As i said to my dad i wanna be a doctor. It was not a child dream, since i am not a child anymore ( at least this is what i am gonna assume ) and i meant i wanna be a doc in medicine. Faith made me take some strange ways to get me close enough to it (medicine), but far enough for me to feel weak and still useless. I come up to think that it would have been the perfect job i could ever do... i guess if i am doing the one i got now, i could save lives too but more indirectly.

      This little introduction to say that those days i am also watching a lot of drama (from US mainly, because french got nothing to propose and don't tell me about navarro or whatever). I came up to enjoy watching the US medical drama House MD. I like this drama because it is related to medicine, its application and lots of cases appeared to be related to brain functions (which i am dealing with). I like to see that learn and now i would love to do it too. OK this is never gonna be happening but i could still dream a bit like a little boy.

      I would advise you to watch it if you could. The characters are interesting the cases are always surprising, although a bit repetitive and you will find emotion, more, probably a situation you have lived (or hopefully not). What is true is always simple. Important thing is life and the way you treat it, and i hope i could be there to help any one who needs me too.

     best regards,

Publié dans kskusanagi

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Salut les twins, salut Charles ça fait un petit moment que je n'ai pas pris le temps de poser quelques me permet de le faire en français.En écrivant ces quelques mots, j'écoute un morceau de musique et j'en susi arriver au moment ou je tourne quelques secondes du morceau en boucle et je commence à dégager les phrases de chaque instrument à les faire ressortir l'un apres l'autre distinctement, et à ma dire Waou... tous ces trucs, toutes ces petites subtilités qu'on avait pas vues avant, toutes ces choses qui nous avaient échappé, ces regards insistants que l'on avait vraiment pas compris, puis tout ce que l'on a pas fait ou que l'on a omis de dire, toutes ces notes qu'on a oublié de jouer ou qu'on a pas entendu, je vous aimes, en fait c'est  tout ce que j'ai envie de dire ce soir.A plus...
He dude, I know why you want to do a PhD, it's just to be called "doctor", ttttttttttt!<br /> If you want to watch a great drama, try "the L world", it's so hot baby, ouh yeah! <br /> Anyway, you don't seem to feel really good these days, I hope all will be fine soon for you, and you don't need to be doctor in medecine to save people, as you said you will do that with thanks to your research, and just continue to be a happy guy, it's made the life of other easier!<br /> tchuss b boy!
Hi Twinny !Thanks for the advice, I'll give it a try if I catch it.And by the way, I began to see your season 1 of "24h", wow it's so good I can't wait to see the rest. It almost ruins my couple life =)